STI students use the benefits of red onion to prevent cancer


Onion is chosen as the main ingredient because it contains quercetin compounds.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Three students from the Sepuluh Nopember Technological Institute (ITS) Surabaya are trying to develop research and use the benefits of onion spreading cancer , especially bad cancer. The three students in question are Alvin Romadhoni Putra, Iftyna Dewi Umaroh and M Izzudin Jifaturrohman

Alvin explains, research conducted on the fear of bad cancer, which is one of the biggest contributors to the deaths of women .

This is also supported by research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), which records the number of bad cancer patients reached 13 million over the four-year period (2008-2015) .

Alvin revealed that the onion is chosen as the main ingredient contains quercetin compounds, which are also composed of apples, broccoli and spinach

"But the content is not not as much as in the onion, "said Alvin in his short message Wednesday (25/7). It is thought that quercetin compounds, according to Alvin, induce apoptosis and inhibit bad cancer cells. In addition, it also has the effect of increasing the effectiveness of cisplatin, which is one of the anticancer drugs such as ovarian cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. .

In addition to acting as a compound capable of disabling many potential carcinogens and tumor triggers, it turns out that quercetin has the nature of solubility, biovailibility, hydrophobicity, and poor permeability. making quercetin more soluble in the body. "We did the nanocapsulation process and the nanocarrier was bovine serum albumin," said Alvin.

The use of bovine serum albumin or BSA (cow protein) is useful as a carrier of quercetin in the body in the form of nanoencapsulation. "By making nanoenkapsulasi kuersetin-BSA can improve the performance of quercetin as an appropriate target cancer drug in cancer cells without damaging other cells that surround it," said a clbad 2016 student.

Alvin said , doing the research is not easy. His team had failed in the process of nanoencapsulation and making inappropriate extracts. However, the seriousness and hard work of the team ultimately capable of producing one of the bidders should help prevent the onset of bad cancer.

With this research, we expect to bring very beneficial information to the health sector in Indonesia.

This is because deaths from bad cancer are increasing every year, so we must act and take decisive action to prevent it. "It would be nice if in the future there would be a similar more innovative research," said Alvin

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