Stop the suspended sex, it happens to the body

[ad_1], Jakarta Having bad changes a lot of things in the body. From hormonal changes, size line differences, until what is believed to be able to prolong life.

Stop having bad means that you will have physical consequences. City of The times of India, Tuesday (26/06/2018), here are some things that happen to the body if they stop having bad.

1. Influence badual encouragement

Not having bad obviously affects badual urges. This is where the role of masturbation to maintain your pbadion.

However, women will not be as affected as men. On the other hand, if the penis is not "trained" for a long time, you can experience erectile dysfunction.

2. Vaginal wall weakens

This can happen especially in women over 50 years old. Lack of blood circulation makes the badl wall weaker and thinner.

Even for the elderly, stop having bad to make the person unable to feel badual pleasure while in love.

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