Streaming movies and music can now use legumes – VIVA


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VIVA – Hutchison 3 Subscribers Indonesia or Tri can now use the pulse to pay for their entertainment services via their mobile phone. Previously, the entertainment application in the application center could only accept credit card payments.

The innovation of the Tri is the effort of a company to accommodate its young customers and not yet a credit card. We see this as a limitation of those who access (the application). The solution we offer, enggak need to use a credit card, today you can access content on Google Play, "said chief marketing officer, Dolly Susanto, in Jakarta on Tuesday July 3, 2018.

Currently, Tri only makes payments for entertainment applications on Google Play only.The reason, Dolly said, iPhone users in Indonesia is still slightly compared to Android To that end, Tri is currently giving priority to content on Google Play that can be purchased using credit.

Dolly said, users who use the Tri smartphone have reached 90 percent. 39 used a lot of data packets for streaming video (70-80%), and streaming music (30%).

Almost all apps can be paid by impulse by the users of Tri P for example, on streaming content music as Joox and Spotify, Mobile Legends and AoV for games and streaming videos as Viu and Hooq.

For the Netflix service, Tri admits that he was not able to pay by credit. But Dolly explained that Tri customers can already use other data packets. "Netflix if you buy Getmore package can be free quota as well, but if you buy directly with the pulse, we are exploring, so we are abroad too, enter a global contract, hopefully from Netflix", was -he explains.

Regarding the target of this new program, Dolly said the company wanted all of Tri's 33 million customers to use it.

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