JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Composite Price Index of Action (CSPI) in Commerce on Wednesday (18/07/2018) successfully led in the green zone. The benchmark index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) closed up 29.22 points (0.5%) to 5,890.73
The data from RTI showed that the shares that rose and weakened in number were 193 issuers. The value of transactions reached 7.46 billion Rp with a volume of 11.47 billion shares
The stocks that support the index rate include Indo Rama Synthetics (INDR) which has increased from 19.75% to Rp 7,275, then Erajaya Swasembada (Adaro Energy ERAA) added 5.97% to Rp 1,865.
While stocks weighing on the index include Barito Pacific (BRPT) down 1.93% to Rp 1,780 Bukit Asama (PTBA) weakened 1.14% to Rp4,330 and Bank Negara Indonesia (BBNI) fell 0.67% to 7,375.
Read also: Rupee Outlook Exchange Rate 2018 at Rp 13.973 Per US Dollar
Unfortunately, the positive sentiment on the stock market is not transmitted to the rupee that has collapsed over- above Rp 14,400 per US dollar.
In the spot market, Bloomberg rated this afternoon, the rupiah was 14,414 Rp per US dollar. Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (Jisdor) reference rate of the Bank of Indonesia, today the rupee was at the level of Rp 14,406 per US dollar, down from yesterday at 14,391. [19659008]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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