Super Indo organizes talk show and breast cancer screening


INDOPOS.CO.ID – As part of Pink October Awareness Month, Super Indo Supermarket, in collaboration with Lovepink, hosted a talk show on "The importance of early detection of bad cancer" and "Recognize fresh food ingredients for the prevention and cure of bad cancer ".

This event took place at Super Indo Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, Thursday (10/25/2018). Followed by dozens of participants including Super Indo customers, the general public, Super Indo employees and the media. In addition to the talk show, Super Indo provides a screening ultrasound with no bad cancer to a selection of participants.

The discussion was moderated by Angela Hindriati, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Super Indo, who gave a presentation on the Super Indo Sustainability Program presented by Super Indo's Corporate Affairs and Sustainable Development Manager, Yuvlinda. Susanta.

According to Yuvlinda, Super Indo is committed to promoting and promoting healthy eating for the community and employees, as well as organizing free health services for the community as part of corporate social responsibility.

Throughout the month of October 2018, in order to increase customer knowledge about fruit and vegetable rays, Super Indo also released information on food ingredients that can help fight cancer cells and prevent bad cancer.

"We believe that bad cancer can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy foods in a balanced way, by educating and encouraging people to recognize the ingredients of fresh foods that can help prevent them." the appearance of bad cancer, where these foods can easily be found in all Super Indo Supermarket stores, "Yuvlinda said in a statement.

To complete participants' understanding of the benefits of these fresh food ingredients, Super Indo also introduced a nutritionist from Esa Unggul University, Khairizka C. Palupi, MS, RD. The event then continued with an explanation of the importance of early detection of bad cancer and the story of bad cancer survivors by Lovepink activists, namely Ina Sumantri, Lola Widyani. and Ruth Firsa Vellasari.

In this topic, Super Indo also invited participants to become aware of the importance of early detection of bad cancer. "Hopefully this event can provide comprehensive information to the community.In addition to a healthy lifestyle, early detection of bad cancer is important.

By detecting early in this disease, the chances of survival will be greater. As a result, women need to be more concerned about their own body, including examining BSE, Yuvlinda added. (Ers)

# bad cancer& nbsp# super-indo& nbsp

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