Suspended at the closing of the 19th floor balcony, the boy from China is shaking people


All help does not end well. In fact, someone who saved the victim even had to lose their lives. In June, a man from California, USA, died after hopelessly jumping into a river to save a five-year-old boy who drowned. In fact, he can not swim himself.

Quote from CNN A rescue man was known as Victor Mozqueda. While the boy named Vincent Gonzalez.

Mozqueda lives in Santa Clarita, California, USA. At that time, he was walking by the river and saw a boy slip into the water.

According to Vincent's uncle, who is also the brother-in-law of the victim, Mozqueda is a very brave child figure. "[Il était toujours gentil avec tout le monde”, a déclaré Ivan Gonzalez.]

" As Vincent drowned, a number of other adults also jumped into the river. In fact, a fisherman also helps, "added Gonzalez

when Vincent survived, Mozqueda even drowned in. Everyone in the water lost Mozqueda and could not

It was the last thing Mozqueda did before sinking in. His body was found two hours later, as quoted in

Vincent was transported to the 39, hospital, after receiving a cardiopulmonary resection (CPR) from the community and now its condition has improved.

A GoFundMe donations page has been launched Funeral expenses Mozambeda.Thanks, the donations raised about $ 50,614, or about 726 million rupiahs, within four days.

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