Suzuki Indonesia offers the opportunity city deposit Rp 30 thousand per day!

[ad_1] – After Idul Fitri's long holidays, the used car market stretches. In addition, this year's long holidays coincide with the time of entry of schoolchildren who also influence the use of amobil used. This growth is also felt by Suzuki Auto Value, the official Suzuki Indonesia used car service. Based on the internal Auto Value data, the city car segment has always contributed strongly and is expected to increase after these long vacations.

The contribution of used car sales, especially the city car segment at Suzuki Auto Value is very significant. In June, its contribution reached 44% of total sales. Even the previous month, its contribution reached 50% in the regions of Jakarta Bekasi and Tangerang, said yesterday Hendro Kaligis, director of business development of PT Suzuki IndomobiI Sales (SIS)

. Suzuki Auto Value has launched an interesting program, Be Cool Back To School. Through this program, potential customers can have a Suzuki dream city car with payments starting at Rp 30,000 per day.

This exciting offer completes Suzuki Auto Value's quality badurance. Certificates of certified used cars issued by SIS provide nationally applicable warranties. With this certificate, Suzuki Auto Value provides the best service for the purchase and sale of safe and comfortable used vehicles.

According to Hendro, there are certain things that underlie the interest in the city car that is rising. Potential consumers who contact our network say that they need cars that consume efficiently, are agile for downtown, affordable prices and, above all, quality is guaranteed, he says.

the momentum of preparing children to school. Last week, our network received several requests for used city cars. The most sought after types of consumers are Karimun Wagon R and Swift. Especially for Karimun Wagon R, consumers prefer the Auto Gear Shift (AGS) transmission which is more functional because it has two functions at once; automatic and manual. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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