Sweetened condensed milk, how many calories?


TEMPO.CO [Jakarta] The Food and Drug Control Agency or POM declared that sweet milk is only a complementary dish and not a complementary nutritional intake for children . What should we do?

In children over one year of age, consumption of this type of food should be the same as in adults. Therefore, the supply of milk to children over the age of 1 year, whether bad milk or other milk is no longer the main menu. Thus, milk should only receive a maximum of 30 percent of total caloric requirements, and the remaining 70 percent should be solid foods. In addition, milk for infant feeding is a source of calcium and protein, with complete essential amino acids.

The calcium requirements of children aged 1 to 3 years are 700 mg, 4 to 8 years and 9 years. 18 years 1300 mg. As a result, consumption guidelines for milk, dairy products and soy beverages are 2 to 3 years 2 glbades (480 ml) a day, 4 to 8 years 2½ cups (600 ml) and 9-18 years 3 glbad (720 ml) per day

Sweetened condensed milk is manufactured by methods of evaporation or evaporation and generally has a low protein content. In addition to evaporated sweet condensed milk, additional sugar (added sugar) is also added. As a result, the SKM has a low protein content and high levels of sugar. The recommended supplemental sugar content in WHO's recommended child foods for 2015 is less than 10% of total caloric requirements.

A type of commercially available sweet milk in one serving (4 tablespoons meal) providing 130 kcal, with an additional sugar composition of 19 grams and 1 gram of protein. If converted into calories, 19 grams of sugar equals 76 kcal. The sugar content of a portion of sweetened condensed milk represents more than 50 percent of total calories, far exceeding the value of the additional sugar recommendations issued by the WHO. Thus, it is best not to consume SKM by toddlers.

Better to choose a child with fat free (skim) or low fat (1 percent) dairy, which also adjusts to the physical activity of the child. However children need to move for growth. In children who like to drink juice, soft drinks and sodas too much, the need for physical activity should increase, as sugary drinks can accumulate calories and risk causing obesity

. Drinking milk contains a lot of vitamin D, but drinking too much milk can lower the levels of iron that cause anemia. For children aged 2 to 5 years, 2 cups of milk a day and no more than 16 ounces is enough to reach vitamin D and iron levels. After the age of 1 year, give 2 or 3 cups of milk or no more than 24 ounces a day. If the child also likes to drink yogurt and eat cheese, reducing the milk will be better. For children from 2 to 8 years, give 2 cups of milk and give 3 cups to children from 9 to 18 years old.

Drinking excessive milk during the day is not a good habit, so much more than it can hurt the appetite. In addition, the child's teeth so often covered with natural sugar, which can cause damage or decayed teeth. A good rule is to milk with food and drink water with snacks. If the child is playing outside, giving water becomes a better choice than juice, milk or sugary drinks, to keep the body hydrated. In addition, give the child a menu of many fruits and vegetables because the potbadium that it contains helps the body store calcium. Encourage kids to play a lot too, because running, jumping and walking can make bones stronger.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child can drink pure milk until he / she has a good time. at the age of two years and thereafter, should switch to low fat milk. In addition, Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk or heated milk is also available at 135-150ºC in 2 to 5 seconds, killing all micro-organisms. In addition to UHT, children can also receive pasteurized milk, fresh milk heated to a temperature of 63-73ºC to kill pathogenic bacteria for 15 minutes. Give only a few glbades a day

The intense dynamic news about sweetened condensed milk reminds us that the SKM is not designed as a complementary nutritional supplement for children and should not be consumed by toddlers.

This article was published in Doctor

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