Syed Saddiq, the key of Mahathir to approach the younger generation


MALAYSIA is a country of young people. According to data from the Statistics Department of Malaysia, the average age of Malaysians is 28 years old.

In fact, Tun Dr Mahathir was re-elected Prime Minister at age 92 (93 on July 10) or three times older than middle age. Malaysian society.

Given the big differences, how can this "good doctor" stay relevant and impressive for young people in Malaysia? How did he manage when the good young politicians of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition and his previous Barisan Nasional (BN) counterparts failed?

Listening to flashbacks in the past, beautiful moments can now have something to do with it.

Malaysians in their thirties certainly remember different points of view about the end of Mahathir's first leadership (1982-2003) as well as his successes.

As a pioneer of infrastructure projects such as the Penang Bridge, the North-South Highway and the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, as well as the rapid industrialization of the country these things will forever be related to Mahathir.

At the same time, a nostalgia grew for certainty in the era of government transformation, badociated with amnesia against systematic institutional failure at that time when it benefited Mahathir.

In Indonesia, there is a similar pattern to "SARS" ("Suharto Syndrome" or "My Kangen Suharto Syndrome").

Moreover, Dr. Mahathir is not ashamed to openly seduce young politicians.

  Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, a twenty-five year old boy with a high, beautiful and articulate posture is a key young man strategy? for Dr. Mahathir.
Syed Saddiq Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, a twenty-five-year-old boy with a tall, handsome and articulate stature, is the key to youth strategy? for Dr. Mahathir.

This also reflects in many ways the way he once felt when he was young at UMNO by Tun Abdul Razak, the second respected prime minister in Malaysia.

Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman, a young man of twenty-five with a high, beautiful and articulate posture, became the key to a "younger strategy" for Dr. Mahathir.

In recent years, a talented figure born in Johor has become the closest believer to his older colleagues.

Born into a middle-clbad family, Saddiq appeared publicly as a debate winner

Saddiq then polarized into a politicized figure by rejecting UMNO and addressing himself to the dissident group UMNO, BERSATU, which is part of the PH.

In the process, he also rejected a scholarship opportunity to take a masters degree at Universtitas Oxford just to be able to contest elections at Muar's parliamentary seat, Johor.

In the region considered the power of the UMNO, Saddiq won the election 6,953 majority votes

However, the role of Saddiq is much greater than that. Saddiq helps the statesmen closest to society. Most politicians face similar challenges, where they are surrounded and mingled with young faces, which they usually do not know.

Through the tandem of Mahathir-Syed Saddiq, Mahatir wants to show a special relationship – if it can not be called dependency – something that can immediately elevate millennial generations who have authentic and credible ideas.

Thursday President of the BERSATU party, Saddiq is almost always seen on the side or just behind Dr. Mahathir, both in press conferences and in social media

Saddiq is, in a sense, a figure more than a captivating face as his critics say.

  Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Joe Yong Kit / Tell Tell Mahathir Mohamad

With more than 987,000 subscribers on Instagram (and will continue to grow), he also organizes questioning sessions for leaders of the world. opposition on Facebook Live, which demonstrates the contribution of young Malaysians from all walks of life.

Saddiq also expressed the difficulty of the working conditions of 400,000 Johans who, every day, love the experience of his father working in Singapore.

In a comforting video watched by 841,000 viewers on his Facebook page, Saddiq talks about the sacrifices made. his father to support his family, where his father had to work 17 hours a day

The relationship between Mahathir and Saddiq is evident in the 29-minute YouTube video aired early in the year. The two discussed how young Malaysians could benefit from learning English.

In one segment, Saddiq made a joke by invoking Dr. Mahathir as "cikgu Mahathir" (meaning "Mahathir guru").

Saddiq is a figure that is now rising. He obtained a position in the Cabinet and made him one of the youngest ministers in Malaysia

However, it is still too early to convert Saddiq into one of Mahathir's potential "heirs" or "successors" . Anyone who knows the history of Malaysian politics should also know what the impact of the "coronation" will be.

  Syed Saddiq helps Mahathir Mohamad to get closer to the young Joe Kit Yong / History Syed Saddiq Help Mahathir Mohamad to look closer to the young.

Can he survive the reality of the government? Will the charms be big enough? Given the complexity of public life and the rapid publicity of social media, can such moments survive?
Saddiq must also prove that he has the maturity and political maturity to succeed the reign of Mahathir.

Despite Mahathir's respect for Malay youth, there is a real difference between Mahathir and Malaysian youth, which is not a clbadic problem. During the campaign, Mahathir's controversial comments about young singles who wanted to become Uber drivers or fat rice sellers had an impact on the overall loss of "the game economy" (19659003). "This led to a real rejection in certain sectors.

Saddiq will then be challenged to bridge the gap between the generations when they begin to surface.

But: can it? It's okay … Whatever it is, take something from someone who has seen the comings and goings of every generation of politicians across Southeast Asia. look on this road of youth.

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