Syrian forces find the Islamic State's warehouse filled with Israeli artificial weapons


DAMASKUS, – Various types of weapons manufactured in Israel are found within the arsenal of the Islamic State of Iraq and of Syria (ISIS), two days ago.

Syrian government forces discovered these weapons in the southern region of Hama province, during a military operation to clear a minefield

The arsenal of the city of Aqrab contains explosives, badault rifles and Israeli pistols.

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In addition, there were also other military equipment like Kalashnikov machine guns, shells of mortar and sniper rifles. arsenal and bombs left by the Islamic State

Last week, Syrian government forces also reportedly found many artificial weapons manufactured west of Daraa.

Since the civil war broke out in 2011, the Syrian government has suspected Israeli aid to the Islamic State.

A report released last year by an Iraqi intelligence agency has led to the allegation that to confront Iran, Israel and the IS may become a temporary ally

Last year, a UN report confirmed that Israel was providing arms to opposition groups opposed to the Syrian government.

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The UN finds evidence of increased interaction between Israeli soldiers and some individuals from different rebel groups .

The relationship seems to be more than just armed rebel forces. Even the so-called Israel also bought a minbyak at ISIS

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