Syrian refugees refused entry into Israel


ISRAEL – Israel bans the entry of Syrian refugees into its territory. This has been confirmed by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, but he continues to provide them with humanitarian badistance.

More than 120,000 people have fled southwestern Syria since the Syrian government launched an offensive to restore the border between Jordan and the Golan. who was occupied by Israel, rebels, said a monitoring group.

The Israeli army says that more and more Syrian civilians are seen in refuges in the Syrian Golan in recent days.

The military said to have sent help in four places "for Syrian citizens

Lieberman's statement on Twitter underlined the attitude of Israel and was followed by Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, who said Friday that refugees are not allowed.

"We pay close attention to events in southern Syria. We will protect the security interests of Israel. As usual, we will be ready to provide humanitarian aid to civilians, women and children, but we will not accept Syrian refugees on our territory, "wrote Lieberman, quoted by Reuters

Syria refugees and accused Iran of placing army headquarters and personnel in Syria to exploit the war-torn country as a place to launch attacks against Israel.

However, Israel has received several thousand Syrians since 2011, who have come for treatment. Injured Syrian residents were hospitalized in poorly equipped hospitals along Syria's Golan border and in Israeli hospitals (Tri)

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