Tanjong Beuridi, student at MIS, Nausea and vomiting after drinking a medicine against elephantiasis, here is a medical explanation


Ferizal Hasan Report | Bireuen

SERAMBINEWS.COM, BIREUEN – Dozens of students from Tanjong Beuridi's private Islamic high school, located in South Peusangan sub-district, in Bireuen, had nausea and vomiting after taking elephantiasis to his school on Tuesday (30). / 10/2018).

All students with nausea and vertigo were taken to the Peusangan Selatan Health Center.

After about three hours of manipulation or care at the health center, all students from the isolated village madrasa were allowed to return home and were taken back to their homes in the local puskesmas ambulance.

Information collected Serambinews.com Tanjong Beuridi, doctor and teacher of information systems, about twenty students who were taken to the health center, one person had vomiting.

While others complain only of nausea and vertigo.

"Thank God, the children are healthy again and have been able to return home," said the director of the South Peusangan Health Center, Ners M Nazar SKM SKM, through the Center's doctor of services. South Peusangan Health Center, Dr. Intan Minofa.

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Medical explanation

Intan Minofa explained, the students had nausea, dizziness and vomiting, due to the reaction of the drug against elephantiasis.

"Today, MIS Tanjong Beuridi is the ninth school or the second day devoted to the administration of drugs against elephantiasis in southern Peusangan," said Dr. Intan.

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