Tariff of the Gempol-Pasuruan toll road Rp23.000


Gempol Toll – Pasuruan – NTMC Polri

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) set tariffs for users of Gourn Pasuruan toll road Section I and Section II (Gempol Junction- On the basis of the official statement of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, Sunday (8/7/2018), the determination of Section I and II of the Gourn Pasuruan toll road tariff is regulated by Ministerial Decree No. PUPR 416 / KPTS / M / 2018 of 4 July 2018. The section of the Gempol-Pasuruan toll road of Sections I and II uses a closed system for users of the Clbad 1 toll road Gempol Junction in Pasuruan

Gempol – Pasuruan The segments Porong – Gempol and Gempol – Pandaan Toll Road allow road users to pay additional fees Jasa Marga noted that users of the toll road entering from Toll Gate (GT) Kejapanan to Pasuruan will be fac 28,500 Rp. [19659003] The amount is a combination of the Gempol-Pasuruan Toll Rate and the Porong-Gempol Toll Rate (Rp3. 000) and the Gempol-Pandaan toll road (Rp 2,500). In the meantime, the first users of the toll road from GT Pandaan to Pasuruan will be introduced at a rate of 31,000 rupees including the Gempol-Pandaan toll road (Rp 8,000) and the Gempol-Pasuruan toll road (23 000 Rp). Gempol Pasuruan (JGP) as operator to socialize the tariff for seven days from the stipulation of the Minister's decree of PUPR. Earnings from July 11, 2018 at 06:00 WIB. Note, the Gempol-Pasuruan toll road consists of three sections along the 34.15 km. Section I connects Gembol Junction to Rembang for 13.9 km and Section II 6.6 km to Rembang-Pasuruan. Section III (Pasuruan-Grati) is still under construction

The Gempol-Pasuruan toll road is part of the Trans Java toll road to connect the major cities of East Java. This segment also has a strategic niali for the smooth flow of goods and pbadengers, which should stimulate economic growth in East Java

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