Telephone charges choked by stork blur


POLAND – An institution in Poland receives an incredibly expensive mobile bill after losing a GPS tracking device mounted on the back of a crane.

According to Radio Poland, the environmental agency EcoLogic installs a tracking device on the back of a white stork. last year to track the migratory behavior of birds.

The bird with the tracer had at least 6,000 km of flight, and was traced back to the Blue Nile Valley in eastern Sudan before losing contact

. the person who had found the tracking device in Sudan, then took out his SIM card and then installed it on his cellphone

They then used it to make phone calls for more than 20 hours .

The Polish radio revealed that the agency was later receiving a mobile bill of more than 10,000 zloty or about 38 million rupees, which should be The mounting of tracers on cranes plays an important role in environmental research and migratory bird conservation, and micro-GPS tracker data can help scientists observe birds' habits, social behavior, and different types of threats.

Although the species of Whooping Crane is not currently threatened, the industrialization and drainage of wetlands make this species close to extinction in Europe about fifty years ago. ; years. (BBC)

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