Telkom admits he has not hired foreign workers


BANDUNG, – PT Telkom Indonesia admits to not hiring foreign workers. Even if there are foreign workers, it is only for the construction of some projects.

"Telkom does not address the issue of foreign workers, if any, on the basis of contracts," said Telkom Indonesia's human capital director Herdy Harman on the sidelines of Indihome Frontliner Competition [IFC] 2018 (IFC) 2018 in Bandung, 7/2018)

Herdy is badured that the number of projects that may involve foreign workers can be counted on the fingers. Therefore, he believes, even if there are foreign workers working on project basis, the number is very small.

"But I have no information if we (Telkom) hire foreigners," he said.

See also : Jokowi Teken Perpres Permudah Foreign Workers

To keep foreign workers away, continue to improve. One of them by increasing the competence of human resources in Indonesia by providing global standards in all services.

"Telkom's friends, we can always, we all have a world standard, because the entry here is SOP and standard double standard ," he said.

Telkom Indonesia again organized the Indihome Frontliner Competition (IFC) 2018, which took place from July 2 to 6, 2018, on the campus of Telkom University, Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir No 47 Bandung . "/> Dok Telkom Indonesia Telkom Indonesia has again organized the Indihome Frontliner Competition (IFC) 2018, which took place from July 2 to 6, 2018, at Telkom University campus, Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir No 47 Bandung

In fact, Telkom has an Assessment Center Indonesia (ACI) which serves to enhance the personal abilities of Telkom employees

"The competence in our environment is personal, functional competence, technical competence There are parameters through evaluation, " did he say.

Telkom Competition [1965905] The 2018 Frontliner Competition (IFC) is a event to increase employee competence in providing a much better service.

The best results of this skill, Herdy continues, will be standardized.This competition activity has an impact on service improvement and of course the capacity of human resources. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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