Terrible Woman Accused of a Tortender Persecuted by Women's Marriage, Stripped on the Road


TRIBUN-MEDAN.com – Fostering a family is not always easy, many hardships and problems color the lives of married couples.

In addition to financial problems, sometimes a third person also becomes the main trigger for household problems.

The presence of a third person is felt by a woman who spotted her husband's infidelity with another woman.

Acknowledging that her husband had an affair with a woman that he was calling a man, a Vietnamese woman did something unpleasant to an unexpected female pelakor.

He confronted the woman on the street in Thanh Hoa City, Vietnam, on (12/6).

Mercylessly the woman stripped the pelakor in the streets.

The naked woman can only surrender to herself (19659002) The incident took place at 24:00 local time

  women alleged perpetrators

unpredictable pelakor of women [19659] 011] Unsatisfied, angry woman sprays with fish sauce, then sprinkles with chili powder

The 30-year-old victim is known as an employee of a beauty spa

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