Tesla in the House of Representatives, Bamsoet said he wants to promote electric cars


Merdeka.com – The Speaker of the House, Bambang Soesatyo, uses a different vehicle when he arrives at the Parliament House, Senayan, Tuesday (3/7). The man who famously calls Bamsoet usually drives a type of Toyota Fortuner VRZ, but today he has been seen using a white sedan.

The sedan car is known Tesla model S. Tesla is a type of car that uses electrical energy. the car is his personal car. The Golkar politician, describing his usual Fortuner car, was his personal badistant.

"Yesterday I used the loan from Fortuner (my personal badistant)." It's nice to continue borrowing, "Bamsoet said on Tuesday (3/7).

Bamsoet insists that the car was reported in the State Wealth Report. (LHKPN) since he became President of the House. "I have Tesla Model X and S. Both I reported to the LHKPN," he said

"Sekalian promote electric cars that do not burden the country because • Original file • Back to the file Copyright © 2011 Unikom Center Do not consume fuel, whether it is subsidized or unsubsidized fuel, and preserve environmental health because it does not pollute, "he explained.

Note that Tesla sells three models of electric cars in Indonesia. These types are 75D, P85D, P60D, and the latest is P100D. Tesla price model S type P60D cheaper dibanderol with the price of Rp 2.2 billion. While the most expensive, P100D priced at Rp 4.4 billion. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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