The 18-year-old son of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was "killed in the war in Syria"



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The existence of al-Baghdadi is unknown since September 2017.

A son of the militant leader who calls himself the Islamic State (IS) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed in a battle in Syria, wrote a news channel of the ; EI.

The son of al-Baghdadi named Hudhayfah al-Badri According to a telegram message, he was killed in a "commando operation" against the Syrian government and the Russian army, in a power plant from the province of Homs.There are no other details regarding the death of al-Badri. raised his rifle.

The existence of his own father, is not yet known. However, according to the outstanding message, he is impressed that Al-Baghdadi is still alive

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The US government arrested al-Baghdadi for 10 months in Iraq in 2004 and.

Baghdadi had already been reported several times dead. The United States is offering a $ 25 million reward for information that could lead to its capture.

We do not know where he is since September 2017, when he asks his supporters to attack the West while continuing to wage war in Syria and Iraq.

Up to now, very little is known about the family led by ISIS.

A terrorism expert who advises the Iraqi government, Hisham al-Hashimi mentions that Hudhyfah al-Badri was born in the city of Samarra in Iraq in 2000.

Al-Hashimi stated that Hudhayfah became the personal mail of Al-Baghdadi and the executive. He was reportedly last seen in September 2017 in Hajin, a city in eastern Syria.

In May, Hashimi called the Baghdad emergency after the arrest by Iraq of five frontmans of the Islamic State.19659007 One of them was Ismail al-Ithawi, right al-Baghdadi. He was reportedly arrested in Turkey in February and later extradited to Iraq.

Al-Ithawi reportedly helped Iraqi secret service arrest four other senior Islamic State officials
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The war against Daesh led to many Syrians to flee.

EI has lost many territories that they call the "Caliphate".

The group now controls only a small area in Syria, constantly attacked by Syrian government forces, Kurdish fighters badisted by the US coalition and the Arab army. 19659007] The Iraqi government in December also declared victory in the war against the Islamic State.

However, his troops continued to carry out various operations against militias in a number of desert areas far from the Syrian border.

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