The 2019 Budget Allocation for Kulon Progo Pulls Up to 7.1 Billion Billion


The presence of the new New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) at Kulon Progo allowed the district to benefit from special treatment from the central government. In 2019, the district led by Hasto Wardoyo will benefit from a much larger budget allocation than in 2018.

This was revealed at a meeting between the Kulon Progo Regency government and the Director General of Training and Productivity Development, Department of the Workforce. Lelono. The increase in budget allocation is focused on increasing the capacity of human resources (HR) to host NYIA.

Hasto admitted that by 2019 the central government budget allocation will increase considerably to Rp 7.1 billion. The value is much larger than the 2018 allocation is only Rp 3 billion. The major increase in the budget is to prepare the residents of Kulon Progo to take advantage of the new airport cake in the region

"We have set up a committee of vocational training and apprenticeship , we are allowed to cooperate with individuals.Hasto said.

The Kulon Progo government will cooperate with the Ministry of Economic Coordination, the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry Transport, PT Angkasa Pura I to launch the training center (BLK) to be functional.BLK Kulon Progo will be packed according to the needs of the airport.

Meanwhile, Bambang Satrio Lelono said that the New airport should be able to become a leveraged economy in Kulon Progo and surrounding areas.Therefore, the central government is seeking to improve the quality of the local workforce. "The liaiso program n and matching the needs of the industry is the focus of our attention, so that Kulon Progo's budget has increased significantly, "he said. (erl)

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