The airport of Kertajati is still a lonely passenger


BANDUNG – The central government and the province of West Java have built a West Java International Airport (BIJB) with a very large budget. Unfortunately, the number of pbadengers pbading through Kertajati airport is still lacking.

Sugiharjo, director of the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Transport (Balitbang Kemenhub), said during an interview with reporters in Lembang, in West Java, that research on BIJB operations in Kertajati, Majalengka, continued. As a result, his party found that a number of issues were the focus of concern, so BIJB was crowded with pbadengers and airlines.

"The accessibility of the land to and from the Kertajati airport needs to be optimized while continuing to coordinate with local governments for tourism development in the region," Sugiharjo said.

According to him, land access from and to BIJB, which is currently the most optimized, is the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) train and toll road. Regarding the train from the airport to the BIJB, it is stated that this plan is currently being developed by the Directorate General of Railways (DG). The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is advancing the Cisumdawu toll road.

"In addition, what is currently being researched and developed is the presence of modes of transportation, such as Damri and other means of public transportation," Sugiharjo said.

Meanwhile, the director general of the Ministry of Transport's railways, Zulfikri, said the reactivation plan was launched this year. Four roads will be reactivated, namely the Banjar-Cijulang-Pangandaran-Parigi, Garut-Cikajang, Cikudapateuh Bandung-Banjaran-Ciwidey and Rancaekek-Tanjungsari roads.

"The BIJB is surrounded by the regions of Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan, even close to south-central Java, like Cirebon and Tegal, which is why it is very possible to reach the airport by rail. a model of reactivation or to create a special rail for the airport train and later it can be connected via the Bandung-Kroya line which will be reactivated, "he said.

It's just that Zulfikri's reactivation process is still hampered by budget problems, so his party is still looking for funding sources from different parties. Thanks to the reactivation of the train line, the community is more and more facilitated to get around.

The transportation facility will benefit the modes of transportation of people and goods. This would certainly encourage the economy of the region. mza / e-9

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