The banking margin will be depressed The weakening of Rupiah


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Banks will bite their fingers. The increase in the benchmark BI interest rate of 100 basis points (bps) this year has not allowed to quickly raise credit interest, while the interest on deposits follows the upward trend of interest rates.

As a result, the net interest margin (net interest margin (NIM) will be lower.The bank's margin is reduced by 28 basis points to 5.07% from 39, April 2018. The largest margin correction is in the large banking group, for example, the BUKU III group's NIM ratio decreased by 39bp to 4.12%, and the BOOK IV group's margin decreased from 22bp to 5.8%.

Royke Tumillar, director of Bank Mandiri Bank, said the pressure on margins would not be too high this year. "As most loans are variable rate," said Royke.

Meanwhile, Fahmi Bagus Mahesa, chairman of Bank Banten said, in the short term, the bank will raise interest income to balance the margin.

Kookmin Bank Prospective Investor Bukopin

The project to issue new shares of PT Bank Bukopin Tbk is taking place The BBKP coded bank has been authorized to hold the rights issue with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Restu was obtained by Bukopin Bank last Friday (29/6). Well, this rights issue will strengthen the capital of Bank Bukopin

Not only that, Rachmat Kaimudin, chief financial officer of Bank Bukopin, said that there was also a pending buyer, namely Kookmin Bank from South Korea. "
he told KONTAN on Sunday (1/7).

The Bank belonging to the Bosowa Group will issue new shares through a system of pre-emption rights (HMETD) of 2.7 billion shares. Issuance of rights is about Rp 500 to Rp 700 per share.This means that Bank Bukopin will absorb funds from the proceeds of the rights issue from Rp 1.9 trillion to Rp 2.000 billion [19659002] The funds absorbed by this stock will be used to increase the capital ratio, and at least Bukopin will be able to raise its capital adequacy ratio (CAR) to 14% from the current 11%.

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