Merdeka.com – President of the Indonesian Peasant Harmony Association (HKTI), Moeldoko promised to continue to encourage innovation and the use of technology in the agricultural sector. It has even cooperated with some countries considered to be more qualified in terms of technological developments in the agricultural sector.
"We HKTI have built a communication and protocol agreement with countries that have high technology in agriculture," Moeldoko said. (19459003) Jakarta Saturday (30/6) He hopes the cooperation will help farmers to use advanced technologies to increase the productivity of agricultural land (19659003) "For technological transformation, cultural transformation, knowledge and and so on, we hope that our farmers will become more independent, self-reliant and strengthened by the already established technology technology, "he explained
" It will leave the way Traditional products that ultimately produce better products, "he continues. .
To increase agricultural productivity, Moeldoko m Engaku has done various programs such as the distribution of seeds and fertilizer. "It's useless but it can not be treated, so we prepare good things, seeds and fertilizer after we are well accompanied after we try to help buy the buyer" , he said. Monoldoko supports the Jokowi -JK government in eradicating the mafia and food cartel. These two things are also very disturbing to the national agricultural business
"(Food Mafia) Must be harmful to peasants, I think these people should be taught," he said.
He claimed to continue to support and cooperate with the government so that the practice of this food mafia can be overcome. "The police measures are good, with a food workgroup Here's how to recognize the main author, he has a warehouse where?" "We are collaborating, always communicating with Bulog for the development and guarantee of food availability," he said. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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