The car was stuck in a tree for 6 days and the American women were found happy | INews Portal


WASHINGTON, – An American woman was found alive six days after her car left the highway and landed on a tree mesquite in the state of Arizona.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety announced that the 53-year-old woman had traveled 60 national roads near Wickenburg, about 80 kilometers north of Phoenix, when she had lost control of the situation some time ago.

He crashed against the fence of the highway and fell to a height of 17 meters in the tree. The car was still on the tree when the officer found it.

"No witnesses could confirm the accident and it was not until six days before the woman was found by the authorities," said the official. AFP, Thursday (1/11/2018).

On October 18, an Arizona road maintenance team and a farmer attempted to alienate a cow that was lost by seeing a broken fence, and then the destroyed vehicle was still on the road. # 39; tree.

A police officer, accompanied by a maintenance team and a breeder, found no one in the car. But they found footprints that led to the riverbed.

Police said that after following the 457 meter trail, rescuers found women suffering from severe dehydration and serious injuries. But they did not reveal the identity of the woman.

According to the police, the woman claimed to have stayed in her vehicle for several days before going out and trying to walk to the railway in the hope of being found by someone else. 39; a.

But he was too weak to do it.

The woman was then taken by helicopter to the hospital after being rescued by agents.

Public Safety Minister Frank Milstead praised the diligence of the rescuers.

"Thanks to their extraordinary efforts, this woman's life has been saved," he said.

Publisher: Nathania Riris Michico

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