The coach of the teenage football team reveals the reason to go to Goa


– The football coach "Wild Boars" and 12 teenagers spoke for the first time in front of the media after being released from hospital on Wednesday (07/18/2010). why teens and their descendants decide to enter the cave of Tham Luang on June 23, 2018.

Some mention the reason why they go to the cave to follow the initiation of the football club, or celebrate the birthday of the team members. 19659002] The 25-year-old soccer coach, Chantawong Eckapol or often called Ake, finally revealed why the Wild Boars team was exploring dangerous caves during the rainy season.

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He said that teens just wanted to look in because some of them n & # 39; They had never visited the cave.

Ake said, the football team has never held any group activity after training on Saturday afternoon.

They decided to explore the corridor of the underground cave for about an hour. However, heavy rains fell and caused a flooded cave.

"Someone said, are we lost?" says Ake, as quoted from CNN .

The entrance to the cave that can not be traversed by the deluge made them walk deep into the cave, to find a place to rest that night. About 200 meters further, where we found a slope and a small source of water in the cave, "he says.

As the only adult in the group, Ake knows that the water flowing The roof of the cave is better than the dirty water

"I told them that it was better to be near the source of water," he said.

also asked teens to pray before going to bed, they were still hoping the water level would come down the next day and help would come soon.

"Before we went to bed, I told them: "Pray." So we prayed that night, "said Ake

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However, water Ake has even heard the sound of the water continuing to flow and the height continues to rise.

They are looking for a higher place for fear of drowning soon. "19659002" I try not to think about food. the youngest in the group, Chanin (11).

 Rescue teams of the football team and their coach lost for 9 days inside the cave, Thailand. They were found on Monday (07/02/2018). (Facebook / Thai Navy Seal) Second teenage rescue football team and their coach disappeared for 9 days in the cave, Thailand. They were found on Monday (07/02/2018). (19459004)

They were finally discovered by British divers on the 9th day

Adun Sam-on (14) became famous after answering divers questions using English

Adun and several others continue to dig for find possible solutions, while other teens hear the voices of people who speak from afar

Ake asks them to keep quiet.He also asked someone to approach a little edge and turn a flashlight in the direction of the water, but he was afraid

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the .. When British divers reach their location, Adun is shocked.All he could think of was saying "hello."

"It's a miracle, I do not know not how to answer, "he says.

When asked what s lessons he learned from the incident, Ake claims to live more.

Some teens have expressed their desire to become soccer players in the future, and some aspire to join the Navy.

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