The diet causes sleep disorders, really?


TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – One study found that inflammation caused by a diet can disrupt body hours and possibly cause sleep disturbances. The study was conducted by researchers from Northwestern University in the United States.

As reported by AntaraInflammation and body hours are influenced by the same genetic factors called NF-kappa beta (NFKB). By triggering a series of chain reactions in the body, NFKB causes pain and tissue damage badociated with inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, for example.

In the study, it was concluded that inflammation (which can be caused by high dietary intake of fats) can cause circadian rhythm disturbances, a type of sleep disorder that involves sleep disorders that are not synchronized with normal sleep / wake hours.

Researchers have also suggested that disturbed circadian rhythms could combine diet and disease, in cases of diseases such as diabetes, some cancers and heart disease often badociated with inflammatory diets.

"We do not know the reason, but the interaction between inflammation and the hours is essential not only to understand how inflammation affects the brain and the sleep-wake cycle, but also to understand the immune cells or fats, "said Hee-Kyung Hong, researcher and reader. endocrinology at Northwestern University.

So what foods cause inflammation? According to Harvard Health, foods that can cause inflammation that causes sleep disturbances include foods that include processed carbohydrates (such as white bread), sweet foods, cooking ingredients such as margarine and lard, and food. red meat and processed. In order not to have trouble sleeping, you must adopt a healthy diet. (*)

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