The diphtheria of the Viral Red Zone in Semarang, Mayor Hendi: "This is HOAX!


The people of Semarang City are animated by a message through the Whatsapp (WA) application that infects whether the urban village of Genuksari in Semarang enters the red zone of the spread of diphtheria

By linking the Faculty of Medicine to Unissula as an informant

Relative to this mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi warned that viral information via WA is not true.

"This hoax There is a case of diphtheria, treated by sedulur-sedulur Health Bureau of the city of Semarang, so there is no red zone and even less to pbad in this area ", explained the mayor of Semarang commonly called Hendi.

Himself says that the case of diphtheria Genuksari June-July 2018 suffered from 7 children. Of the seven children reported, five are still being cared for and two have died. "So the 7 children when the baby was not vaccinated because the parents refused, this attitude really regrets us," says Hendi. "19659002" As long as not refuse immune do not worry, because the main prevention of diphtheria is vaccination and diphtheria. The city of Semarang is very quiet, "he said.

Hendi also said that the efforts he's made to win the diphtheria business in Genuksari have been a huge success. 39 among them by doing ORI (Outback Response Immunization) to all the children of the urban village of Genuksari.The city of Semarang also provided prophylaxis to patient contacts, and gave erythromycin in contact with patients and collection of throat swabs in contact with patients, "said the mayor of Semarang.The red diphtheria zone in Semarang confirmed if the message is tersebu it's a hoax

Through public relations from Unissula Medical School, Drs Purwito Soegeng Prasetijono., MKes, Unissula Medical School said never published a public appeal regarding the importance of using a mask when pbading Dong Dong Biru Road, and he was also pointed out that he never published the badociated zoning of diphtheria in Semarang (*)

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