The EU warns against the American war on tariffs for automotive products


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Exports The United States (United States) valued at nearly $ 300 billion could be subject to tariff responses if the Trump government decided to s & # 39; To attack the presence of imported cars from all over the world. The severe warning is contained in the written statement of the European Commission that is in response to the Trump Government's investigation on imports of cars and spare parts.

This statement was sent by the European Commission to the US Department of Commerce on Friday, June 29, and published on Monday, Sept. 2, 2005

The European Commission estimates that global retaliation against US duties on imports from the US economy, rather than the reaction triggered by the Trump tariffs for steel and aluminum this year.

The Commission estimates that US exports valued at $ 294 billion, or about 19% of total US exports, could be significantly affected.

President Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs of up to 20% (19659004) In May 2018, the US government investigated imports of cars, including SUVs, light trucks and auto parts.

This type of investigation, known as Section 232, is aimed at determining whether imports interfere with the national security of the United States. It's the same approach as Trump before applying tariffs on steel and aluminum imports earlier this year.

The European Commission says Trump tariffs will violate the rules of international trade. Mentioned, imports of European cars in the United States posed no threat to the US auto industry

US action prompted trading partners to impose counter-tariffs on US exports, particularly the China, the European Union, Canada and Mexico. against car imports have no legitimacy, factual basis and violates the rules of international trade.

American car manufacturers in the United States exported 60% of their cars. It has been considered to help the US trade balance.

European car companies also employ 120 thousand American people in manufacturing plants in the United States.

General Motors (GM) took the same position as the European Commission. On Friday, the company had warned Trump that the pricing policy could force companies to cut jobs and raise car prices. (

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