The European Union approves the settlement of immigrants' problems


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The leaders of of the European Union prevented the failure of high-level meetings by accepting the end of the migratory crisis that struck the blue continent Friday morning (29/6). With this agreement, the sharing of refugees will be shared equally among the Member States

The EU will also seek to establish immigration centers in countries outside Europe, according to a statement from the Council of Europe. l & # 39; EU. Italy had threatened to cancel the deal if immigration issues were not discussed, said a diplomat on Thursday CNN .

The meeting of European leaders, originally scheduled to focus on Brexit, was dominated by the treatment of immigrants who were crossing the waterways to Europe. On Friday, European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted on Twitter that the country's leaders had agreed on a joint declaration at the EU28 summit, which includes immigration issues

. In the statement, the Council stated that it agreed to adopt a "comprehensive approach to migration that combines more effective controls at the EU's external borders, enhanced external action and internal aspects, in line with our principles and values ​​". "

"The Council of Europe is determined to continue and reinforce this policy to prevent the return of the rampant 2015 flows and to stem the illegal migration of all existing and emerging roads."

In addition, more support will be provided for Italy and the country – the other Mediterranean countries, and "attempts to stop traffickers operating in Libya or elsewhere should be further intensified."

British Prime Minister Theresa May hailed the deal, saying that he had solved many of the problems previously raised by the British. "

French President Emmanuel Macron said that although there are signs of" impossible "agreements, member states have managed to ensure that people do not travel dangerously .. in the hands of the traffickers reached "European solution".


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