The express taxi begins to use the MPV Wuling Confero


JAKARTA, – The express taxi service provider introduces a transformation strategy with the slogan "Close the heart, sincerely serve the heart". The strategy announced on Wednesday (07/04/2018) is the effort of a company to improve customer service, experience and service standards

"We are in the & [([[[[19651965196519651965196519651965transportationindustryfor25yearsandweunderstandthattheneedsandexpectationsofcustomersareincreasingInresponsetothiswegiveprioritytoprovidethebestserviceandexperiencetoallcustomerswhorealizeourcommitmenttochangeandthedevelopmentsthathavetakenplace"saidBennySetiawanPresidentoftheExpressTaxiGroupTypeoflastMPVvehicleformaximumcomfortexperience

Express Taxi presents 150 MPV Wuling Confero vehicles in and around Jakarta. This vehicle can accommodate up to 7 pbadengers at the same fare. The addition of this MPV unit will also be done gradually from Jakarta and its surroundings.

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Besides setting up the 5S standard (Smile, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, and Santun) Other improvements in internal standardization such as driver training. Drivers are expected to apply the 5S service in the standard of conduct and customer service.

Another strategy is to open the possibility of working with the capital owners who entrust Express as a manager of drivers and fleets. Express will maintain its strengths through proven partnership programs.

The transformation of this new business model is expected to bring mutual benefits to all stakeholders, particularly to drivers, corporations and capital owners.

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