The face of hero divers who rescue the Goa youth team


MAE SAI, – Divers participate in the rescue efforts of 12 teenagers and their coaches members of the Thai Cave Football Team, coming from different countries.

As diverse as divers, it is called a global scale although the Thai Navy also contributes.

The identity of the people involved has not been widely dispersed, since few of them are willing to talk.

Here are some of them:

John Volanthen and Richard Stanton

The voice of John Volanthen was first heard by 12 teenagers and their coaches after 9 days trapped in the cave of Tham Luang

Volanthen and two of his compatriots Richard Stanton and Robert Harper, asked the Thai authorities to help the rescue efforts

They arrived in Thailand, three days after the disappearance of the group.

Learn More ga: Trapped in 9 days in Goa, here is the Second Seconds football team Rescue Teens

Volanthen is an information technology consultant , while Stanton is a former firefighter.

Both are members of the Goa Rescue Team in Central and South Wales

They have been involved in several cave rescue operations, including in Norway, France and the United States. Mexico. (19659002) He examined the health conditions of teenagers and coaches in the caves, then gave the go-ahead for rescue operations.

If the teens were too weak, the rescue effort with how to dive will be very dangerous

The Adelaide doctor and scuba diving specialist, Richard Harris, gave up on his vacation in order to be able to participate in the rescue operation in Thailand. @ 9NewsAdel

– Edward Godfrey (@ EdwardGodfrey9) 9 July 2018

He participates in scuba diving in the caves of Australia , from China, from Christmas Island, and New Zealand

The man who has received special training in the field of anesthesia is also a medical specialist in the field of operations of & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Shipping and salvage.

In 2011, he repatriated his body. South Australia.

Sailors of the Thai Navy

  Four members of the Thai Navy are the last to leave the cave of Tham Luang. They consisted of three divers and a doctor. (Facebook / AL SEAL Thailand) Four members of the Thai Navy are the last to come out of Tham Luang Cave. They consisted of three divers and a doctor. (Facebook / AL SEAL Thailand)

Various elite units of the Thai army participate in rescue efforts in the cave. One staff member was a doctor known as Mr. Loharnshoon

Three other staff members volunteered to accompany the youth after their discovery a week ago

In a video broadcast distributed by the SEAL of the Thai Navy, it was seen that the doctor treated the minor injuries sustained by the teenagers.

Four SEAL personnel are the last to leave the cave Tuesday (10/7 / 2018)

Saman Gunan

This 38 year old man is a Thai Navy diver who volunteers to participate in the rescue effort.

Leaving the cave of Tham Luang the air tube, he lost consciousness.

His diving partner tried to resuscitate him, but failed. "My husband is flattered as a hero because of his figure, he loves to help others, do charity work and finish the job," his wife told BBC .

"We will not stop our mission, we will not allow the sacrifice of our friends to be in vain," said Rear Admiral Arpakorn Yookongkaew, knowing that Saman is dead.

Ben Reymenants (left) takes pictures with Chiang Rai Governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn and another diver Maksym Polejaka. (Ben Reymenants) “/> Ben Reymenants (left) took pictures with Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn and another diver Maksym Polejaka. (19659002) He is believed to be the first group of divers to trace the 12 teenagers and their coaches on Monday (07/02/2018)

 Mikko Paasi uploaded a photo on Facebook, which shows Claus Rasmussen in the cave. (Facebook / Mikko Paasi) Mikko Paasi uploaded a photo on Facebook, which shows Claus Rasmussen in the cave. (19699002) Claude Rasmussen

Coming from Denmark, Rasmussen lived for many years in Thailand and worked for several diving schools

Currently, he is co-instructor of Ben Reymenants. , Blue Label Diving.

See also: Goa where football teams are stuck safely

He has plunged in many places in Asia and has worked in several countries of Southeast Asia.

Mikko Paasi

This Finnish man is the founder of a diving course center on the island of Koh Tao, Thailand.

His specialty is diving techniques, including diving in caves. one of the many divers who took 12 teenagers and their trainer out of the cave. (Facebook / Mikko Paasi) “/> Mikko Paasi is one of the many divers who took 12 teenagers and their coaches out of the cave. (Facebook / Mikko Paasi) Monday (2/7/2018), the day the 12 teenagers and their coaches were found, Mikko's wife wrote on Facebook that he had bought tickets for his husband to Chiang Rai in order to participate in the relief effort

It was also their 8th wedding anniversary

Ivan Karadzic

  Ivan Karadzic helped to save the & ang [39393939Teenagefootballteamtrappedinacave(Facebook/IvanKaradzic) Ivan Karadzic helps rescue teams rescue teenagers trapped in caves. (Facebook / Ivan Karadzic)

Karadzic moved from Denmark to Koh Tao after a few years after Mikko Paasi set up a diving course center. Now they manage the place together

He told BBC the excitement that he experienced when he saw the first teenager and a diver l? approach from far away.

The reason, Karadzic did not know if it was "victim or boy" survived. His feelings were instantly relieved when he realized that the boy survived.

Read also: The story of the heroes of teenagers rescuers trapped in Goa (1945)

Reacting to the death of Saman Gunan, Karadzic writes something on the wall of Facebook. (19659002) Erik Brown (left), Mikko Paasi (center) and Claus Rasmussen (right) celebrate the successful rescue operation. (Facebook / Mikko Paasi) “/> Erik Brown (left), Mikko Paasi (center) and Claus Rasmussen (right) celebrate the success of the rescue operation. (Facebook / Mikko Paasi)

Brown comes from Vancouver, Canada, and works as a diving instructor.

He started diving more than 10 years ago and co-founded Team Blue Immersion, a diving engineering course in Egypt. On Tuesday (10/7/2018) night, she wrote on Facebook that she performed seven dive missions in 9 days. That is, he spent 63 hours inside Goa Tham Luang

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