The Fintech Association prepares operational billing standards


The Fintech Association prepares operational billing standards
The development of financial technology industry or financial technology (tekfin) in Indonesia from 2016 to 2018. – Business / Ilham Nesaba, JAKARTA – The Indonesian Fintech Finance Association (AFPI) plans to develop operational standards for collection of loans by debt collectors to clients with arrears of payment.

Sunu Widyatmoko, vice president of the Fintech Indonesian Association for Joint Financing (AFPI), said the standard was needed for the financial technology sector, particularly in the peer-to-peer (P2P) sector, to have standard rules of business conduct. The standard also aims to maintain Tekfin's credibility in order to avoid the complaints of disadvantaged people.

Once the billing standard is issued, each collector must have special certification and be trained to comply with ethical collection principles. If the agent makes a mistake, it will have the consequences, the biggest threat being the revocation of membership.

"An organizer has entered the media [akibat aduan masyarakat], all industries can be affected. We always remind friends of double checking billing standard. Because it only takes one mistake to hurt the industry, "he said Tuesday (11/06/2018).

On the other hand, continues Sunu, the Tekfin sector also strives to continue to improve the public's knowledge of Tekfin services. ready. According to Sunu, the reason is that the level of knowledge of illegal and legal tekfin is still very low. In fact, at present, illegal tekfin companies are multiplying.

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