The history of Panji is also known as neighboring country


BALI EXPRESS, DENPASAR – The Panji Festival aims to present the history of Panji which is the cultural heritage of Indonesia to the world. Activities launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture in eight cities of Indonesia, namely Denpasar, Pandaan, Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Yogyakarta and Jakarta. The story of Panji seems to open the eyes of the world.

The art observer I Wayan Dibya, completed the staging of Gedung Ksirarnawa, Denpasar Art Center Thursday (28/6), said that Panji Story is a source of inspiration for 7 types of inspiration. show in Bali. Moreover, in Bali alone, there are seven shows that use the history of the banner as a base

which includes legong, gambuh, wayang, arja, dramagong and kekebyaran. "The history of Panji originally developed in Indonesia through the power of the Majapahit Kingdom." Popularity of the Majapahit Kingdom that reached the country in Southeast Asia, making Panji Story also known in the region of neighboring countries, "he said.

Himself also said in Thailand said Inao his name. Elsewhere, the name is different again. But the substance is almost the same. The festival series includes performances, workshops, international seminars, cultural tours, competitions, exhibitions, animation film screenings and publications.

Meanwhile, other art observers, I Made Bandem revealed, he wanted to see the existence of a platform. Namely the similarities and differences in dance style that exist in all countries that have a flag. In addition, through his observations, Bandem wanted to see the relationship of dance style and perspective in the articulation, the story and the dance movement itself.

Bandem, the musical instrument used to accompany the claim of Panji the. "If we have a corner, on behalf of Kongbonglek Kong and Kong Bong Lai, its shape is exactly the same name," Bandem said.

By reinforcing the history of the banner as the memory of the world, he hopes that these festivals will continue to dilemarkan. "The history of Panji itself is precisely what the present generation is going to serve as a guide and entertainment today and later in the world," he added.

(bx / ade / bay / yes / JPR)

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