The importance of vaccination against measles and rubella in children


Illustration – Reuters, JAKARTA – Professor of Health Sciences of the Child FKUI Prof. DR. dr. Soedjatmiko, SpA (K), MSi said that children, especially infants and toddlers are very vulnerable to infection because they do not have the perfect immune system.

The infection can be caused by the entry of viruses or germs into the body. complete immunization, the immune level of the child will be optimal to avoid a variety of viral attacks, which not only endanger their own lives, but also the environment because they can be transmitted.

"There is no antidote more effective than immunization.The whole world also conducts routine immunizations from childhood to adulthood." [19659003] Physicians who are also active as secretary of the central immunization committee of the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI) illustrate the importance of administering measles measles and rubella. 19659003] The immunization against measles aims to prevent measles disease that can lead to severe pneumonia (pneumonia), diarrhea or stroke.The immunization Maesles Rubella (MR) is given to prevent measles and rubella.

Rubella in children is a mild disease, but when it is transmitted to pregnant women, especially in early pregnancy, can lead to miscarriage or children born with conbad malformations. deafness, cataracts and conbad heart disorders.

"The symptoms of measles and rubella are almost the same, namely high heat, a red-red body, bouts of coughing, diarrhea. But if the virus that attacks the measles virus can be deadly, but if the rubella should not kill but can transmit to others, it is very dangerous if it is infected by pregnant women ", he said, even more than half of the diseases called measles are rubella disease, because it is important to give the MR vaccine to prevent both diseases at the same time.

There is no antidote more effective than immunization. The world also conducts routine immunizations from childhood to adulthood. This means that the vaccine is safe, beneficial and capable of suppressing the disease worldwide, "he said

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