The Irish Senate introduces a Boycott Bill


Bill would prohibit the sale of property from all occupied territories

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DUBLIN – The Irish Senate has supported the promulgation of a law banning the sale of property from all occupied territories. importing or selling goods and services produced in the Occupied Territories around the world, Wednesday. The same prohibition applies to imported products from Israeli settlements that are considered illegal under international law.

Reported in Aljazirah the bill, authorized by 20 to 25 senators, was imported from the occupied territories as an act against the law. The law was introduced by an independent senator and obtained support from all major political parties in Ireland, with the exception of the Fine Gael party.

The bill is currently before the Lower House of Parliament for debate and vote. When it is pbaded, the bill must go through several revision stages and amendments before being enacted.

A senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Saeb Erekat, described this decision as very historic. "Today, the Irish Senate has sent a clear message to the international community and in particular to the whole of the EU: it is not enough to speak of a two-state solution. without taking concrete measures, "he added. Erekat said in a statement

He added that trade with Israeli settlements is part of a systematic denial of Palestinian right to self-determination. There are no fewer than 150 illegal Israeli settlements in occupied East Jerusalem and about 750,000 settlers in the West Bank.

The rule entitled "Project of Economic Activity (Occupied Territory) 2018" was proposed by Irish Independent Senator Frances Black. The rules were signed jointly by Senators Alice-Mary Higgins, Lynn Ruane, Colette Kelleher, John G. Dolan, Grace O. Sullivan and David Norrison on January 24th.

The spokesman of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Emmanuel Nahshon, said will have a negative impact on the diplomatic process in the Middle East. "The absurdity of the Irish Senate's initiative is that it will jeopardize the livelihoods of many Palestinians working in the Israel-affected industrial zone of Israel." will consider his response in accordance with the progress of the law, "said Nahshon. The Irish government said this decision was unprecedented for EU members. Previously, the rule was impracticable because it would impose trade barriers in the EU's single market and could jeopardize the Irish influence in the region.

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