The Jakarta-Cikampek toll blurs July 7 to 12


JAKARTA, (PR) .- PT Jasa Marga Jakarta-Cikampek toll predicts the potential for congestion from 7 to 12 July 2018 as impact of the toll road project

"We are still maintaining performance of the toll road one of them through routine maintenance in the form of reconstruction of the Jakarta and Cikampek causeway, "said PT Jasa Marga Jakarta-Cikampek Irwansyah Public Relations in Bekasi, Friday July 6, 2018 night, according to the Antara news agency. 19659002] According to him, the activity will begin on Saturday, July 7, 2018, at 22:00, until Thursday, July 12, 2018, at 17:00. The pavement project of the Cikampek Road starts from km 35 + 720 up to km 35 + 875 in lane 2, a length of 155 meters

while the reconstruction road of Jakarta goes from km 31 + 514 to km 31 + 444 Km 31 + 406 to Km 31 + 351 on Corridor 2, handling length 125 meters.

"The activity will take place from Monday, July 9, 2018 at 09:00 WIB, until Friday, July 14, 2018 at 05:00 WIB," The interview, says Irwansyah, is made for the convenience and the safety of toll road users while driving on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road.

Irwansyah said that disbadembly and casting activities will be done after 8:00 pm. (19659002) In addition, the Jasa Marga Jakarta-Cikampek branch also alerted agents at the site to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of toll road users

"Therefore, we, Jasa Marga Branch Jakarta-Cikampek, we apologize for the inconvenience caused during the process, "he said. ***

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