The Jakarta-Cikampek toll will be repaired tonight


Previously, the Ministry of PUPR would implement the integration of the transaction system on the JORR toll road. With this policy, distant and distant users will pay the same toll charges

PT Jasa secretary Marga Tbk, Mohamad Agus Setiawan, said that this policy would be considered more profitable for logistic vehicles that often take long distances.

However, it expects this to be offset by regulatory compliance with respect to the weight limit of each logistics vehicle highlighted by the government, namely the police department and the Ministry of Transport. The dimensions and overloads can be executed simultaneously, "he said during his meeting at the Ministry of PUPR, Jakarta, Thursday, June 21, 2018.

" They facilitate transport logistics but must abide by the rules. exceeds the charges, "he adds.

According to data from PT Jasa Marga Tbk 60% of logistic vehicles that cross the section of Jasa Marga are in overload condition

"50% to 60% overload of 60% and the consequences on the road will be quickly broken, "said Agus

. PT Jasa Marga Tbk has also prepared a portable weighing device to detect the heavy load of logistic vehicles. In addition, cooperation with the police and the Kemenhub will continue to be improved

"Our portable weighing instruments were prepared at the entrance and in some places Judicial actions by the police and Kemenhub Si weigh and overload, Jasa Marga can not forbid do not enter and do not stop, "he says.

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