The Lampura Health Unit held the socialization of rubella vaccination against measles


KOTABUMI ( – In order to optimize rubella vaccination in Lampung district, the local health office is organizing the socialization and coordination of the MRI vaccination campaign in the ward. Hotel Cahaya, Kotabumi Thursday (12/7/2018) In the agenda titled "Advocacy of socialization and coordination in the implementation of the MR campaign in Regency / City", all representatives of the district apparatus unit (SKPD) and the government apparatus of 23 Lampura subdistricts participated

. On the sidelines of the event, Neli Kusriyanti, head of the Division of Prevention and Control of Diseases (P2P), said that to optimize the implementation of RM immunization on its territory, it needs support from all parties. Therefore, the targeted coverage of MR vaccination in children aged between nine months and less than 15 years extended to 247 villages / kelurahan in 23 sub-districts of Lampura

"For implementation successful vaccination plan by RM in the title early August until the end of September 2018 in 27 health centers distributed in 23 sub-districts of Lampura, we will lead socialization in addition to local health centers, as well as in government offices in districts and subdistricts, so Dinkes cooperates with the government in districts and subdistricts "



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