The leader of the euro zone against protectionism and foreign investment


European Commission. – europa, JAKARTA – EU leaders will react strongly to protectionism and call for new EU laws to filter out foreign investment. Both decisions refer to Washington's policy and Beijing's investment for the blue continent

EU leaders meeting today (29/6/2018) in Brussels, in Belgium, announced that they would participate in the Summit.

Focusing more on the issue of migration, blue continent leaders also commented on US tariffs levied on steel and aluminum exports from the EU . They consider the tariff as very unfair and support the legal challenge of the European Commission, in the form of a set of taxes imposed on the product of Uncle Sam's state. " EU must respond to all protectionist actions. " The conclusion was supported by the leaders of the Blue Continent who insisted that Europe would continue to negotiate with its partners the ambitions of a free trade agreement.

The EU will seek trade agreements with the Mercosur group Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. In addition, in July, the EU will also begin trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand.

On the other hand, statements by European leaders show that the EU wants to protect its industry and deprive the technology of unfair competition. [19659003Pendantcetempslesentrepriseschinoisessontlacibleprincipaledel'UEpourledumpingetlessubventionsinjustespoursesproduitsbienquelesdirigeantsdel'UEnementionnentpaslaChinedansladéclaration[19659007]. in the face of growing concerns over the acquisition of the blue continent by China

The European Parliament, in search of tougher rules, and its 28 members have agreed on a common position Negotiations for the proposal,
and at least until the end of 2018.

The EU leader also requests The proposal is implemented as soon as possible. In addition, at the summit, EU countries also pledge to reform the World Trade Organization (WTO) to ensure that trade can proceed freely and equitably.

Source: Reuters

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