The majority of illegal Fintech came from China


The rise of illegal fintech in China as the country slows down intensively

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The working group on the suspicion of legal action in the collection of public funds and investment management registers most financial activities (tekfin) fintech Unlicensed financing based in OJK originated in China

"The Investment Task Force found 227 platforms 125 developers, conducting business "peer to peer" are not registered or commercial licenses in product offerings, most of them come from China ", said Tongam L. Tobing, head of the Task Force Investigation at a press conference in Jakarta on Friday, July 27. illegal tekfin was discovered by the Investigation Task Force. The findings after calling the entity did not appear on the search list [19659004] He suspected that most of the illegal entities came from China because the competent authorities of the country of the bamboo curtain controlled the financed finance. The surplus is targeting the Indonesian market.

"We suspect that the regulation was further tightened" peer-to-peer " from China.The money then went into different platforms Against technology, the Investment Alert Study Group has asked the entity to immediately stop funding activities, to remove all applications for loans and borrowings, to settle all obligations to users, and apply for OJK However, entities that do not have such a clear and unlicensed address do not contact OJK in accordance with OJK rule number 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 and must immediately cease their activities

"We submitted a report to the Bareskrim regarding fintech & # 39; was not registered, asked Kominfo to block apps on sites and social networks and asked Google to block the application on google play . 19659004] Tongam did not explain how much losses suffered by the community with the presence of illegal tekfin entities mainly from China. This is because there has never been an official report and this entity is not listed by OJK.

The different illegal entities use names identical to the financing vocabulary or loans such as "loan badistance", "cash ", "loan", "fresh fund", "common capital", " loan online ", " fast dollar "," super credit "and" loan money ".

ask the public to first check the list of tekfin who have registered to OJK so as not to be harmed by various activities of illegal financing entities. Until the beginning of June 2018, OJK registered licensed companies and registered only 63 companies for a total of Rp6.6 trillion

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