The Minister of Transport submits cases of explosion at the airport of Soetta to Propam Polri


JAKARTA, – The Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi, handed a case of explosion at the airport of Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, to the police.

The explosion itself is due to the negligence of police members during the process of evacuating his firearms.

When the evacuation process took place, there apparently remained a bullet in his gun

the case was then submitted to the police chief to bring the observations to the police " , said Budi in Jakarta, Sunday (7/22/2010)

Read also: Explosion of weapons at the airport of Soekarno-Hatta, 1 wounded

Previously , the explosion occurred at the Soekarno – Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Sunday (22/07/2018). Apparently, the explosion came from area control at Terminal 3 of the Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Febri Toga Simatupang confirmed the incident

"When members of the Polri Bripda Galuh Apriyana Protocol carry out activities to help his colleague Briptu Dawn Firmansyah to empty the senpi when he steals." Said Febri in his statement of sunday

Members of the protocol will fly aboard a Garuda Indonesia GA 14 plane bound for Banda Aceh.

Victim received medical treatment

" There was a bullet in

"Senpi who had headed for the ground suddenly exploded, doing his pieces on an officer of the company ground Ikhwanul Hakim Siregar, who served check-in counter "he said.

As a result, the victim was injured han on his feet. Then the victim received medical treatment from the officer medical badistance and the port health office at Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport

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