The motorcycle industry in Indonesia ready to welcome the Euro 4


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The implementation of the Euro 4 emission standard applied to motor vehicles received a lot of positive response

In the midst of Pertamina's success in the distribution of the fuel equivalent Pertamax Turbo Euro-4, the motorcycle manufacturers also said to be ready

"If later the Euro-4 standard also applies to motorcycles, we are ready to follow the policy of At present, our motorcycle products have a Euro 3 standard, "said Ahmad Muhibbudin, deputy director of corporate communications PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) when confirmed Tribunnews, Sunday (22/07/2018). [19659002] Muhibbudin states, if the policy of the Euro -4 applies to two-wheeled vehicles, the motorcycle industry needs to make preparations, including technology and l & # 39; support infrastructure for fuel distribution in various areas

"To arrive at Euro 4, AHM He added that the implementation of the policy should be accompanied by the implementation of the law on the implementation of the policy. "If it is applied correctly and accompanied by the police then the good intention to remove vehicle pollution will have a real impact." He said:

Provisions on the application of Euro 4 emission standards are set out in Peratura n Minister for the Environment and Forests Number P.20 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 3/2017 on new categories of defense against emissions of motor vehicles Category M, N and O.

The goal is to reduce vehicle exhaust gas emissions, for both nitrogen oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) levels ), hydrocarbons (HC) and particulate matter (pm)

The application of Euro 4 is considered very urgent.The implementation of Euro 4 should provide a clean and healthy air to the participants of the big sports festival.

The Indonesian Automobile Industries Association (Gaikindo) also announced that it was ready to produce Euro 4-compliant four-wheeled vehicles.

must apply Euro-4 according to the regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forests, Gaikindo states that the preparation was carried out well after the publication of KLHK Permen

"We are ready, even from a distance. The implementation of Euro-4 can not retreat, "Kukuh Kumara, general secretary of Gaikindo.

Kukuh says that fuel with RON greater than 92 is already equivalent to Euro4. Euro 4 standard vehicle requires at least two conditions to be complied with:

This RON must be greater than 91 and the sulfur content must be less than 50 ppm.

"Based on these specifications, for the l & # 39; current use of the fuel above. RON 92, already qualified for the Euro 4 engine, "firmly firmly.

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