JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) through its official account in Intagram made a curious public by downloading semi-silhouette photos of one of the car models. The model is likely to be present at the GIIAS automobile show in August 2018 later at BSD, Tangerang.
In the description of the photograph which is listed, one reads only "Something is Coming", where in his own image there are words . In the field of comments, there are also many testimonials that amaze and speculate on the type of car.
The look resembles the cheap Ayla car model, especially the typical logo on the upper grille . There is also an accented line chrome that extends from the right and left sides.
However, differences also exist in the wide grille and the new body kit. Then, the lighthouses also seem more badertive than the original Ayla
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Try to confirm directly to Amelia Tjandra, marketing director of ADM, herself to directly mention that the product is in reality version Ayla turbo, with body already modified
"The picture is Ayla Turbo and not for sale.This is also an example if Ayla can be turned into a turbo," said Amelia at Kompas. com Saturday (29/7/2018).
She did not reveal much about the altered parts and specifications, however, he tried that Ayla Turbo could test the disc by visitors of GIIAS.
"I am planning an essay for tastes only," said Amelia.
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