The need to recognize the factors causing the appearance of tumors and cancer

[ad_1] | SURABAYA – To commemorate the World Head and Neck Cancer Day held on July 27, 2018 yesterday, RSUD Dr. Soetomo held a symposium on the Symposium of Parotid Tumors in the Soetojo Hall, the Saturday, July 28, 2014.

Dozens of surgeons from various hospitals in East Java attended the symposium

. RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Dr. Urip Murtedjo revealed, during surgery on patients with tumors salivary glands surgeons are required not to make a mistake at all.

Because the tumor appears in the region of the lower ear of the ear. In this area, there are seventh cranial nerves that play a role in regulating the expression of the human face.

"This event includes references to East Java surgeons and most patients use BPJS when they are seeking treatment The East Java regions should be able and understandable in surgery for patients with salivary gland tumors because the operation will also be done at the hospital, "said Dr. Urip

. Sunarto, president of the Association of Neck Head Surgery of Indonesia (PEBKLI) said, the cranial nerve 7 has five neural branches that form as chicken scratches, which include the nerves located in the forehead to frown, The nerve of the eye is the most vital nerve that serves to blink.

"When the first parotid surgical procedure is performed by the surgeon, one must save the five nerves and then remove the tumornya nerve." Or other disorders such as those that can not blink if the eye "Even so, the risk is inevitable." Sunarto said that if presented with each parotis surgery, the risk of neurological disorders may occur about 7%.

"If surgery treats," says he.

the risk, the surgery is only about 7%, before the operation we will explain this risk related to the patient, "he said.

Sunarto also appealed to the public, more alert to tumors and cancer.There is no sign of salivary tumor, especially painless.If there is a lump under the nape of the neck, in the mouth and on the cheek, consult immediately a specialist, because it is a tumor of the parotid salivary gland

"Although the case of parotid tumor disease has decreased since five years, because if the tumor can be treated and identified early, the healing process is easy, if the tumor feels pain could be a malignant tumor, because it attacked the nerves. "

Patients named Singgih Dwi Kristianto (30) for example, he I just realized that the hump in the lower jaw is a tumor of the parotid salivary gland after 2 years.Hospital Siti Hajar Sidoarjo, he was referred to Dr. Hospital.SoTomo to undergo a surgical removal of the tumor

"Initially, I had toothache in the left lower molars to reduce the pain that I just mbadaged and memenum painkiller.More later a small bump appeared. I checked the doctors were just infections of the glands only time small, rather than lost, gradually get bigger, the second time I checked the newly identified if that is a tumor, Singgih history.

Sunarto continued, the symptoms of infection of the glands lasted only 3-4 days only It is a tumor. The tumor of the parotid salivary gland usually attacks people aged 30 to 40 years.

"If it appears at the age of 30-40 years, it is a benign tumor. If it appears at the age of 50, it is a malignant tumor (cancer). The characteristics of tumorous tumors are round and solid, &;; sebutnya. & # 39; & # 39;

Indeed, the emergence of tumors and cancers has not yet clearly known the cause. But there are several risk factors for the occurrence of tumors and cancer.

Sunarto mentions one of them namely the Epstein Barr virus and the Sitomegalo virus. There is no in-depth study of the causes of tumors or cancer. But there are several factors that trigger the onset of cancer, namely cigarette or heredity.

"Salon workers or workers exposed to tumors, mercury chemicals for beauty powder, silica dust, and asbestos dust can cause tumors. used at work, but we can not blame a risk because multifactorial factors cause a lot of tumors and cancers, "he concluded.

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