The number of refugees in southern Syria is rising


The number of refugees in southern Syria becomes 270 thousand people

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMMAN – A UN refugee spokesman has exposed the latest figures on Syrian residents who have been forced to flee their homes following a major bombing. Most people have taken refuge in villages and areas near the Israeli and Jordanian borders.

Reported to Monday (2/7), Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi plans to travel to Moscow on Tuesday (3/7). He intends to meet with his Russian counterpart to reach an agreement to end the ceasefire and the shelter. "Today, the number of people forced to flee in south-west Syria has increased to 270,000". UN Stéphane Dujarric

Last week the United Nations mentioned that up to 160,000 people had been displaced by escaping heavy bombing. They are refugees and housed in villages and areas near the Israeli and Jordanian borders.

"Our latest update shows that the number of refugees in southern Syria exceeds 270 thousand people," said UNHCR spokesman Mohammad Hawari. a humanitarian catastrophe in the south-west caused by the fighting that erupted after a Russian-backed army attack that seeks to seize southern Syria

Jordan opened the door to more than half a million Syrian refugees since the beginning of the war.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told reporters on Monday that aid deliveries were pending approval to enter Syria from the Jordanian border.

He said that he would travel to Moscow on Tuesday with Russian partners on the Syrian conflict supporting the Syrian government's offensive in the southern province of Daraa, which displaced tens of thousands of Syrians .

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