The "open policy" of Angela Merkel, both sides of the arrival of immigrants in Germany


NO It can be denied that Germany is the best country to accept the influx of immigrants to Europe

Immigration terminology is often used and may refer to legally immigrants from outside Europe as well as refugees and asylum seekers. Although there are differences in definitions, the notion is often juxtaposed in a discussion about how people from different countries come to the European Union.

Some come legally to look for a better life with skills that can be "sold".

On the other hand, most of them come because they do not have a choice because they are mostly civilians victim of the conflict in their country of origin.

Their arrival in Germany can not always be smooth. The threat of self-salvation to rejection has become a challenge for immigrants.

Nevertheless, Germany attracts immigrants immensely compared to other countries in Europe.

High Minimum Wage and Relatively Affordable Cost of Living A Fascination for Those Seeking a Better Life

As one of the best economic powers in Europe, Germany is the only country in the world. place that immigrants are always looking for.

Debate Open Politics Merkel

Open Politics Merkel always reaped the debate between pro and against. One of the most severe criticisms of the arrival of immigrants came from the ultra-nationalists

as evidenced by the presence of the Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) party as a right-wing or ultra-nationalist party rising in popularity. Germany

. AfD managed to attract the sympathy of the German people by placing the arrival of immigrants in the EU as a threat (19459007) for security reasons.

The position of the AfD was supported by numerous attacks in Germany Munich in 2016, an attack on a Christmas market in Berlin in late 2016 and the last attack in a station in the city of Düsseldorf

This series of events at least could establish that the arrival of immigrants made Germany dangerous. its policy of openness .

Nevertheless, Merkel's position on open policy was firmly fixed. He wanted to continue despite the many criticisms and criticisms that came to him.

Merkel sees that the arrival of refugees in Europe is an inevitable necessity for the European Union.

He argues that Germany's refusal of humanitarian issues will only have an impact The reason why nobody intervenes in the issue of the arrival of immigrants, so what happens is chaos

Reason for humanity?

The fact that Germany is the country with the most accepting refugees inevitable. The funding provided by the German government is huge

However, it is interesting to further explore the reasons and reasons for which Germany openly accepts immigrants.

Despite the negative publicity losses won by the local government In fact, Germany has also benefited from the arrival of immigrants.

There are at least some explanations that can be advanced as to why Germany needs immigrants. First, as a large industrial country, Germany needs a cheap labor force.

Economic discussions, particularly in the field of employment, can not be separated to examine this question. Germany needs low-wage workers like other developed countries.

Paying wages to immigrants or migrants obviously offers a great advantage to entrepreneurs and financiers compared to workers who are citizens

. is in Germany, but in South Carolina, United States. Why is it? One of the reasons is that the minimum wage is much cheaper than in Germany.

Instead of introducing a low-wage workforce, the arrival of immigrants has clearly responded to Germany's need to address this problem.

] The Mistress and Maid ", Germany also needs entrants to work in the domestic sphere. Jobs such as the cleaning of an office or office. a house, washing and childcare are dominated by immigrants who do not usually speak German, are not competent and are paid cheaply.

Some of them do not belong have no official document "discretion" for employers to employ as they please.

Second, the pyramid of the German population is dominated by the elderly. According to data from the German Ministry of Labor, about 30% of the population is between 45 and 65 years old. This situation is compounded by the decrease in the number of births

With the decline in the number of productive young people, Germany clearly needs migrants to support the country, especially in the industry.

By the way, the German government to pay for all the needs of parents, one of which is levied on the tax of the salaried worker

Immigrants working indirectly are required to contribute to the needs of parents .

Third, build a good image of the European Union. As one of the giants of the EU, Germany wants to show that the EU still cares about immigrants, especially refugees and asylum seekers whose spell persists.

This paradigm is rather successful built by Germany at the international level. European Union. France and Poland, for example, may be less open to accept and help the survival of immigrants.

On the other hand, helping immigrants can be seen as evidence of the EU's willingness to help humanitarian issues on the international scene.

Based on these three reasons, the author invites readers to look into the other aspect of the issue of immigrants, which has become one of the most prominent debates of the European Union and, in this case, Germany. to see the problems and disadvantages of the arrival of immigrants, we can not turn a blind eye to the fact that German clbadmates still benefit.

Germany will not reach the stage of need especially when the population pyramid is more and more dominated by parents. their workers, especially in the meeting pe (19659002) Muthmainnah
Graduate student specializing in Labor Policies and Globalization at the University of Kbadel and at the School of Economics and Berlin Law
PPI Germany (

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