The PLN director assures that the electricity tariff is not affected by Rupiah


JAKARTA – Chief Executive Officer of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Sofyan Basir hopes that the fluctuation of the rupee's exchange rate will only be temporary because it is feared that this will increase the burden on the company. stunned the state.

Sofyan explained that his team will make adjustments immediately. The reason is that part of the payment of State Electricity Company (PLN) is made using Dollar.

As a strategy to overcome the turmoil, he said that he has put in place a hedging strategy. However, the system is considered efficient for making payments or expenses in short spaces

"For a long-term or long-term nature is impossible, so we hope that [gejolak nilai tukar Rupiah] will only be temporary, "he said in Jakarta, Saturday (30/6/2018).

Sofyan said that the weakening of the rupee will increase spending on It is estimated that this will undermine the profits of the company.

Nevertheless, it ensures that no electricity tariff will be increased. hope that the increase in PLN burden can be calculated by the government in the form of grant in the future.

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