The prayer of Prince William in the Golden Book of the walls


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Prince William completed his official visit to Israel and the Middle East on Thursday afternoon, June 28, 2018, local time. The British ambbadador to Israel, David Quarrey, said that Prince William had achieved two goals in this trip: honoring the victims of the Holocaust and listening to the aspirations of young people for their future.

"Prince William is here to celebrate the power of Israeli-British relations," said Mr. Quarrey, quoted by pda Friday, June 29, 2018.

Quarrey says that the Prince William greatly appreciates the moment of the descent to the road and meet the people of Israel. The title of the Prince Duke of Cambridge even claims not to want to spend a lot of time meeting each other and prefers to go out to directly feel the atmosphere of Israel. Before taking the plane to Ben Gurion Airport in London, Prince William said he was very excited to visit Israel

Read: Prince William's Activities in Israel

] Prince William of England on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock, Thursday, June 28, 2018. William also went to the West Bank to spread a message of peace for Palestine and Israel. AP

Read: Prince William meets Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian students

In Israel, Prince William visits the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Aqsa Mosque, rarely visited by non-Muslims. When Prince William walked the streets of the old city of Jerusalem, he became a show of the surrounding community.

Prince William's three-day visit to Israel and the West Bank was also enthusiastically received by the public. They used Twitter social media to say goodbye to Prince William when he was about to return to England from Ben Gurion Airport.

The United Kingdom stresses that Prince William's visit is not political. However, in a gold book on a pilgrimage site, the Wailing Wall, Prince William writes, "May God bless the region and encircle the world with peace."

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