The Revitalization of Grand Inna Bali Beach Begins Soon


Denpasar – The PT Hotel Indonesia Natour (HIN) and four state-owned enterprises (BUMN) Karya, are implementing the revitalization of the Grand Inna Bali Beach area in Sanur, Bali on Friday (29/6).

The statement was made by HIN's President Director Iswandi Said, President Director of Waskita I Gusti Ngurah Putra, Chief Executive Officer of Wijaya Karya Tumiyana, Chief Executive Officer of Hutama Karya Bintang Perbowo and President of Housing Development Lukman Hidayat, badisted by Assistant Minister of SOE in Energy, Logistics, and Tourism, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, and Deputy Minister of State Enterprises for Construction, Facilities and Transportation Facilities, Ahmad Bambang [19659002] The launch of the revitalization of the Grand Inna Bali Beach area follows President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Bali Beach with an area of ​​42 hectares (Ha), can be developed into an icon and a state hotel in the Sanur region, Bali.

Through the Declaration of Revitalization The area of ​​Grand Inna Bali Beach will be developed into Indonesia Bali Hotel comprising: Convention Center equipped with accommodation facilities, market of art and enriched with ecological park

"The revitalization statement of the Grand Inna Bali Beach is implemented synergistically between HIN as the manager of Grand Inna Bali Beach and four companies public based on the spirit of state-owned enterprises present in the state, "said Deputy Minister, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah

In addition, Edwin said, with the development of the Grand Inna Bali region Beach, it can further improve and lead the tourism industry in Sanur in particular, and in Bali in general.

the president of the Hotel Indonesia Natour (HIN), Iswandi Said, said that the monitoring of the activities of Pencananga (19459006) novation in October.

"It is consistent with the completion of the licensing aspects undertaken," Iswandi said.


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