The scandal of 1MDB, the new president UMNO verified KPK Malaysia


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – President of the United Malaysian National Organization (19659002) UMNO ), Ahmad Zahid Hamidi reviewed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) corruption / (2/7)

The former Malaysian Prime Minister was questioned following the alleged involvement of UMNO in the monetization of millions of dollars of the agency Investment 1MDB Investment Bank (1MDB) that hit the former Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Ahmad Zahid Arrived at the MACC building on Monday (2/7) early morning around 21:50 hrs Kuala Lumpur: Ahmad Zahid's appeal was launched the day after his election as president of UMNO, replacing Najib who resigned shortly after losing the May 9 general election.

"I do not know what kind of question the MACC will bring me." MACC, "Zahid told the journals tes, quoted by The Straits Times

"I will be transparent in answering all the questions," said Zahid.

By a statement, the MACC Commissioner, Datuk Azam Baki, said the involvement of UMNO in 1MDB, Ahmad Zahid will also be asked for information about a private foundation belonging to his family.

UMNO was then involved in the 1MDB corruption scandal after the Malagasy anti-corruption commission froze at least 900 accounts.

The party, formerly led by Najib during his tenure as prime minister, was also suspended for allegedly receiving the flow of hot money.

In addition, the anti-corruption commission of Malaysia would also request information regarding the 800,000 Malaysian ringgit or the equivalent of Rp2, Its 8 billion private foundations were used to pay its credit card bill and his wife.

"The foundation has done a number of charitable activities such as building mosques, school buildings and orphanages," said Ahmad Zahid. In addition to Ahmad Zahid, Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansour, were questioned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission over the alleged 1MDB scandal. Najib himself has so far been interviewed twice by the MACC.

However, the anti-corruption agency has not yet established a suspect although it has found funds in the range of $ 10.6 million in Najib's personal account. a subsidiary of 1MDB

The police even seized hundreds of luxury items from the Najib property with a value of Rp.800 billion related to the 1MDB scandal investigation. The former Malaysian Prime Minister insists on rejecting all accusations and admitting that all luxury item is a "gift" of relatives and friends. Function = f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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