The Sintang health office will launch a vaccination campaign in August


Report of the Journal of the Pontianak Tribunal, Wahidin

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID, SINTANG- The Sintang District Health Office (Dinkes) will conduct a measles and rubella (MR) vaccination campaign From August to September 2018 and (19659003) "So the center's logistics, then the distribution to the provinces and news in the area, a small part reached us, so we wait when it's full of all our new road immunization of this MR, "said the head of Sintang health office, Harysinto Linoh, Friday (27/7/2018) morning.

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L & MR immunization will be made to children from the age of 9 months to 15 years less a day. According to the MR vaccination campaign is very important to provide knowledge to the mother and the child.

For measles / measles itself according to which fear is the appearance of complications. For example, the complications of lung and other diseases will cause the death of the child

"Then measles immunization will not get measles, it will not be affected but it will not cause fatal complications, so for rubella we are worried about exposure to pregnant women causing conbad malformations such as deafness, blindness, "he explains

so that's why, according to him, it is the basis of the Indonesian government to campaign for immunization by MR While measles and rubella no longer exist in Indonesia

"In Sintang there have been several cases of measles there a few months. Improvement at Kecamatan Nanga Mau, but we directly took over vaccination against measles in Nanga Mau, "He explained.

As for rubella, Sinto believes that it is happening in Sintang but does not occur. is not reported, since it is usually the parent when he / she sees his / her child born with a defective state by simply accepting.

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